Dear colleagues!
We invite you to participate in XXII International exhibition producers of relay protection and automation equipment, which will be held in Moscow from 25 to 27 May (ENEA, pavilion "Electrification» № 55).
Exhibition manufacturers of relay protection and automation equipment (RZA) - a platform that unites manufacturers and electrical equipment suppliers, energy companies, governments, research and development organizations, which allows to demonstrate the achievements and development of the industry, to discuss the implementation of a unified technical policy, tools and systems of relay protection, emergency and secure automation of their operation and reconstruction.
Участниками выставки станут руководители и специалисты энергопредприятий России и стран СНГ; эксперты в области создания и применений систем релейной защиты, противоаварийной и режимной автоматики; руководители и специалисты ведущих научно-исследовательских центров, проектных институтов и фирм – производителей оборудования; преподаватели и студенты ВУЗов энергетического профиля.
Within the framework of the business program, organized by the RNC CIGRE will be held round table discussions on topical issues of development and operation of systems of relay protection and automation, discussion of existing and perspective directions of development of relay protection, emergency and secure automation.
More information about the business program of the topics you can find on the links below:
- The issues of cyber security of control systems and relay protection in the power industry - link.
- Implementation of DSP technology at energy facilities - link.
- RPA Challenges and simulation technology - link.
- Requirements for modern microprocessor relay protection and automation devices - link.
- automated protection and control system of the new generation substations (ASZU iSAS) - link.