Comprehensive testing of digital substation using a simulator RTDS

Комплексное тестирование цифровой подстанции с использованием симулятора RTDS

Comprehensive testing of digital substation using a simulator RTDS

The 12th issue of the Digital Substation magazine published the article "Comprehensive testing of a digital substation using an RTDS simulator."

Authors: Podshivalina I.S., Ph.D., head of the modeling sector, Relematika LLC;
Kerzhaev D.V., Ph.D., Head of Digital Substations Development Department, Relematika LLC;
Alekseev A.V., Deputy Director of the Department of Strategic Development, Relematika LLC;
Shamis M.A., Ph.D., general director of CJSC "EnLAB";
Zakonshek Ya.V., Technical Director of CJSC EnLAB.

Read more: Comprehensive testing of digital substation using a simulator RTDS