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Развитие электротехнического кластера

Opportunity to accelerate the development of the cluster. Readiness Assessment of the cluster to use the existing capacity.

The possibility of accelerating the development of electrical cluster in Cheboksary following:

1) expanding the range of products and improving existing products;

2) the development of production and improve product quality;

3) development of cooperation with international manufacturers, including joint ventures, exchange of experience, implementation of joint projects that will attract foreign technology companies in the production process of the republic;

4) development of dealer and service networks;

5) The re-engineering of production facilities;

6) the development of scientific and technical base, implementation of R & D.

7) minimization of logistics costs and the introduction of modern management techniques in the formation and development of electrical cluster in Cheboksary will boost not only capital but also technology, intellectual resources, and the world-famous trade brands.

Factors that could have a negative impact on the development of the cluster, the main risks. Assess their significance. Basic mechanisms of compensation of threats and risks.

The main factors and trends of development of the Russian economy, which currently determine the development of the electrical industry are:

1) the globalization of the industry;

Competitive advantages of getting companies that sell around the world, achieve the highest level of activity and the volume of gross profits, enabling them to lead in terms of investment in new technologies and terms of introduction of new products.

Important role in the globalization of markets and industries are advanced communication technologies that enable multinational companies to attract qualified personnel and to use the best scientific schools in different countries of the world, manage the international system of promotion and sales.

The developed system allows you to create international logistics network of production companies, choosing to place industrial enterprises in the region close to the main sales market, low labor costs, a favorable tax regime and infrastructure.

These advantages, together with the advantages of scale of activity of international trade in determining the dominant position of multinational companies in the market of electrical products.

2) increasing specialization of companies and market development service companies;

Restricting the area of ​​activity, companies are increasingly concentrate on their priority directions and getting along these lines technological advantages that allow them to significantly increase the share of the priority segment of the market.

Service companies now have a major influence on the development of the sector, its share in the formation of the cost of the final product is constantly increasing.

Service companies create more jobs, attracted significant investment and provide a large amount of tax deductions.

The average profitability of service companies for a lot less profitable food companies with comparable business volume, so a customs and tax regime have considerably greater impact.

3) an increase in the influence of social needs in the development of the industry;

The growth of individual well-being and corporate earnings are increasingly in contradiction with social values ​​such as the environment, public safety, social justice, and so on. These socially conscious needs is a powerful incentive the technological development of the modern world.

So increasing environmental requirements lead to the introduction of new clean technology electronics manufacturing, which encourages research and development of new materials and processes. Objectives of conservation of natural resources stimulate the introduction of electronic energy-saving technologies and control the flow of resources.

In the future, the impact of social demands on the development of the economy will continue to grow.

4) the cyclical nature of the industry development and periodic crises.

The unevenness of the innovation process leads to periodic crises in the global electronics industry.

At intervals of 5-8 years is the introduction of major innovations in the electronics industry, accompanied by the rapid growth of investment, expansion of the electronics market, the growth in production volumes. During this period, companies with promising technological developments, are able to attract the necessary investment in the best conditions. When the market is saturated with new generation technologies, the growth period is replaced by the crisis - a sharp decline in investment, the reduction in production of electronics. During the crisis, especially the greatly reduced demand and prices for new technological equipment and services for the implementation of new technological processes. At this time, the benefits received by the company and the state, have the financial resources necessary for the acquisition of new technologies and to attract leading experts. This increases their chances to become a leader in the next cycle of technological development.

Потенциал электротехнического кластера Чувашской Республики

