Innovative Electrical territorial cluster of Chuvash RepublicThe full development of competitive advantages of enterprises of electrotechnical industry

News and Events

Awarding the winners and prize-winners of the CSU Olympiad 2021-2022

The organizers of the Olympiad for schoolchildren of the Chuvash State University in mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science and the Russian language for students in grades 10-11 and college students are FSBEI HE “ChGU named after I.I. I.N. Ulyanov”, Innovative Territorial Electrotechnical Cluster of the Chuvash Republic, as well as the Association for the Promotion of Information Technology Development “IT Cluster of the Chuvash Republic”. In the 2021-2022 academic year,…
Get the status of the cluster member! Member status gives the chance to receive all kinds of support and participate in the activities of the cluster
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Complex joint activities of cluster members, aimed at the development of the cluster

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Official constituent and normative documents of electrotechnical cluster

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The totality of the subjects of the economy, contributing to efficient operation of the cluster

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Support of participants

Provides comprehensive assistance to business development to strengthen its presence on domestic and foreign markets

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Project directions

Formation of an effective system of cooperation between businesses and scientific sector and the state

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Entry Application

Obtaining the status of participant in the innovation territorial cluster of electrical

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Key participants in the cluster - companies and organizations, each of which forms the overall level

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Development institutions, experts and partner companies of the electrotechnical cluster

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The share of companies cluster members have every fifth ruble volume of shipped products manufacturing industries and every third ruble machine-building complex.

Goals and objectives create the cluster

The purpose of creating electrical cluster - Establishment of an effective system of interaction and cooperation of electrical companies, research and education sector and the government to improve the competitiveness and output of electrical industry of the republic in foreign markets subject to compliance with international standards.

The creation of electrical cluster:

  • Defining the strategic priorities of the cluster of industries;
  • Formation and development of mechanisms for innovation policy of the Chuvash Republic in the development of basic sectors of the cluster;
  • Develop mechanisms to launch intracluster projects, including in terms of recommendations on building effective horizontal linkages within the industry;
  • Identification of possible cooperation with other industries, including the assessment of trends in the development of technology transfer between sectors;
  • Overcoming global challenges emerging in front of the Russian electrotechnical industry.

Cluster infrastructure

The most important function of the cluster is to create infrastructure for accelerated innovative development of existing and comfortable conditions for the formation of new companies in the profile of the cluster.

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Support for small and medium businesses in the field of industrial engineering, and c / agricultural production.

Modern accredited laboratory for electromagnetic compatibility testing

Expert Opinions

Александр Булычев,

I think the union of our companies to the cluster is very timely - in Russia began to seriously discuss the import substitution: irritates us to compete with foreign companies, and now we can confront the arguments.

Alexander Bulychev, Technical Director - НПП «Бреслер»
Михаил Шурдов,

Why open cluster in Chuvashia? Because there is no oil, gas, money available, and everything is determined by your hands, brains and traditions, which are incorporated by our university with advanced electrical direction.

Michael Shourd, Chairman of the Board of Directors - JSC "Cheboksary Electric Plant"