
We invite you to take part in the survey on the state and development of the competitive environment in the Chuvash Republic

We invite you to take part in a survey on the study of the state and development of the competitive environment in the Chuvash Republic As part of the implementation of the standard for the development of competition in the Chuvash Republic, the Ministry of Economic Development, Industry and Trade of the Chuvash Republic together with the Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanova" conducts a sociological survey of organizations and the population of the Chuvash Republic. ...

Бесплатный семинар 223-ФЗ

Free Webinar 223-FZ

On March 5, Cheboksary will host a major event for representatives of small and medium-sized businesses - JSC "Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises" (SME Corporation), together with partners, with the support of the Government of the Republic of Chuvashia, is holding a seminar on the topic: "Participation of representatives of small and medium-sized businesses in procurement” in accordance with Federal Law No. 223 “On Procurement of Goods, Works, Services by Certain Types of Legal Entities”.

Электротехническим кластером Чувашской Республики проведено годовое общее собрание участников

Electrical cluster Chuvash Republic held the annual general meeting of members

On January 29, 2019, the annual General Meeting of the members of the Association "Innovative Territorial Electrotechnical Cluster of the Chuvash Republic" was held in the renovated building "B" of the Chuvash State University named after I.I. I.N. Ulyanov. Before the start of the meeting, the participants of the meeting were given a tour of the laboratories of the building with a demonstration of modern training stands. During the first half of the meeting there were…

RELAVEKSPO-2019: Course on the digitalization of Energy

In April 2019, the Forum "RELAVEXPO" for the fifth time will bring together manufacturers and consumers of electrical equipment in Cheboksary, where from April 23 to April 26, the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Relay Protection and Automation of Electric Power Systems of Russia" and the exhibition "RELAVEXPO-2017" will be held (hereinafter referred to as the RELAVEXPO Forum). The Forum is organized by the Government of the Chuvash…

FREE SEMINAR "Building an effective sales system in a manufacturing enterprise"

The Ministry of Economic Development of Chuvashia reports. In order to improve the economic efficiency of small and medium-sized enterprises of the Chuvash Republic, the Regional Engineering Center together with the training center "Creatio" on October 26, 2018 will organize a practical seminar "Building an effective sales system at a manufacturing enterprise". The host of the seminar is Yury Khamatov, business coach and founder of the training center “Creatio”, training staff in the largest…

Региональный центр инжиниринга повышает эффективность работы малых производственных предприятий

Regional Engineering Center improves the efficiency of small industrial enterprises

On October 9, in the National Library of the Chuvash Republic, in order to improve the production efficiency of small and medium-sized enterprises of the Chuvash Republic, the Regional Engineering Center organized a practical seminar "Efficiency of equipment management in order to reduce losses." Seminar leader – Aleksey Petrovich Shalin, President of the Scientific and Technical Foundation “Certification Center “KONTSTAND”, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Member of the Public Council of Rosstandart, Member of the Public Council…

Программа льготного лизинга для субъектов малого предпринимательства

preferential leasing program for small businesses

In order to increase the availability of leasing services for individual and small businesses (SMEs), regional leasing companies (RLCs) established by JSC Federal Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (JSC SME Corporation) are implementing a preferential leasing program that provides for the provision of to IMP subjects of preferential leasing financing for a period of up to 7 years in the amount of 3 million…

Innovators, open registration for the Russian Startup-tour 2017

The Ministry of Economic Development of Chuvashia announces the holding of events as part of the Startup Tour 2017 on March 2-3, 2017 in Almetyevsk (Republic of Tatarstan). The project is being implemented by development institutions (Skolkovo Foundation, Russian Venture Company OJSC, Rusnano OJSC, Assistance Fund development of small enterprises in the scientific and technical field) in order to find promising innovative projects and develop the competencies of beginners...

RISK MANAGEMENT. Risk management in projects (for PMBoK)

Региональный центр инжиниринга Центр инжиниринга Чувашской Республики и Бизнес-школа ЧЕ-ЛИНК организуют тренинг “РИСК-МЕНЕДЖМЕНТ. Управление рисками в проектах(по PMBoK*)” Обучение бесплатное, если: Компания относится к малому или среднему бизнесу Компания осуществляет производственную или инжиниринговую деятельность Целевая аудитория: руководители среднего и высшего звена, проектные менеджеры, участники проектных команд. Цели тренинга: Развить умения…

Атомная энергетика как основа безуглеродного энергобаланса

Nuclear energy as the basis of carbon-free energy mix

Используйте все преимущества от участия в VIII Международном Форуме «АТОМЭКСПО 2016» со стендом. АТОМЭКСПО – это крупнейшая выставочная площадка, для демонстрации достижений мировому энергетическому сообществу, насыщенная деловая программа, включающая пленарное заседание, панельную дискуссию, круглые столы с участием лидеров атомной энергетики. Форум АТОМЭКСПО это ключевая площадка атомной энергетики для проведения B2B встреч и переговоров.

Вниманию малых инновационных компаний! 15 января 2016 г. в Минэкономразвития Чувашии состоится совещание по вопросу подготовки заявок на конкурс четвертой очереди «Коммерциализация».

Вниманию малых инновационных компаний! 15 января 2016 г. в Минэкономразвития Чувашии состоится совещание по вопросу подготовки заявок на конкурс четвертой очереди «Коммерциализация».

FGBU "Fund for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Science and Technology" (hereinafter - the Fund) announced a competition "Commercialization" fourth stage (hereinafter - tender), which is aimed at providing grants to small innovative companies in the form of grants for financial support for the costs associated with the implementation of innovative projects, the results of which have the prospect of commercialization, with the exception of expenses for implementation of research, development and engineering works.

В Москве состоялось открытие выставки «Электрические Сети России – 2014»

In Moscow, opened the exhibition "Electrical Networks of Russia - 2014"

Today in Moscow was opened specialized exhibition "Electrical Networks of Russia - 2014", which is one of the most significant events for the power industry throughout the country. The opening ceremony was attended by the Minister of Economic Development, Industry and Trade of the Chuvash Republic Vladimir Avrelkin. During his opening speech, the Minister noted the need for import substitution in the industry ...

Японцы познакомили чебоксарских бизнесменов с философией бережливого производства

Японцы познакомили чебоксарских бизнесменов с философией бережливого производства

Success Secrets "Toyota" opened Cheboksary businessmen. The city held a seminar on the philosophy and principles of this company. "Lean production" has long and successfully implement in Western countries. As a result - reducing costs, improving quality. Russian companies to adopt the Japanese experience is not in a hurry. Share knowledge came to us Toshio Horikiri - ...