Минэкономразвития Чувашии приглашает принять участие в республиканском конкурсе «Лучший инновационный продукт Чувашской Республики»

Минэкономразвития Чувашии приглашает принять участие в республиканском конкурсе «Лучший инновационный продукт Чувашской Республики»

The Ministry of Economic Development of Chuvashia informs that in 2014 the Ministry, in order to promote the intensification of innovation activity as one of the priority areas of socio-economic development of the Chuvash Republic, is holding a competition for the Best Innovative Product (hereinafter referred to as the Competition).

The competition is held as part of the implementation of the subprogram "Innovative development of industry of the Chuvash Republic" of the state program of the Chuvash Republic "Economic development and innovative economy for 2012-2020", approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic of September 21, 2011 No. 398.

Contest nominations:

"The best innovative product in the field of electrical engineering";

"The best innovative product of mechanical engineering";

"The best innovative product of the chemical industry";

"The best innovative product of the forest (woodworking) industry";

"The best innovative product in the field of composite materials";

"The best innovative product in agriculture";

"The best innovative product of the food industry";

«Лучший инновационный продукт в медицине»

"The best innovative product in the biotechnology industry";

"The best innovative product in construction."

Organizations of the Chuvash Republic, individual entrepreneurs developing and implementing innovations, who have submitted documents in accordance with the requirements for tender documentation, can take part in the Competition.

Прием работ осуществляется until July 15, 2014 year inclusive to the address: Cheboksary, Presidential Boulevard, 10, 2nd floor, office. 14 (Department of Innovative Development of the Economy of the Ministry of Economic Development of Chuvashia).

We invite you to take an active part in the competition.

The contact person in the Ministry of Economic Development of Chuvashia is Diana Aleksandrovna Mikhailova, tel. (8352) 64-20-65, indust12@cap.ru.

Conditions for participation in the Competition and the procedure for registration of works: http://gov.cap.ru/SiteMap.aspx?gov_id=15&id=1787304 (banner "Industrial policy, innovative development and quality", section "Innovations").